The Doylestown Nature Club
meets every second Monday from
September through May at
Buckingham Township Building
4613 Hughesian Drive
Buckingham, PA 18912 at 1 pm
The June meeting is a picnic.
Guests are welcome.
Thursday, October 17, 2024 will be our annual luncheon, open to the community. The venue is the newly renovated and expanded Doylestown Country Club at 20 Country Club Lane in Doylestown. The speaker will be George Ball, President of Burpee, who will speak about “The History and Social Influence of the Burpee Company”. The luncheon benefits the club’s scholarship fund. The menu and other details are listed on the attached flyer / registration form.
Go to the application page to fill out your membership info for current year.
About Doylestown Nature Club
It’s pretty clear from what I hear
That this has been a fruitful year
Though women launched our Nature Club
Men now join our Nature Club
Nature subjects are our theme
Beautification is our dream.
At monthly meetings we learn more
Our minds are left with more to store –
Like how to plant a bush or tree,
Which tasty herbs enhance our tea.
We’ve learned to tell good bugs from bad,
To wipe out weeds that make us mad.
We’ve heard the rules for plant arranging
Taught by experts’ clear explaining.
We’re told which stars light up the sky,
To care for birds before they die.
Each meeting adds to what we learn
And plumps our waists when meetings adjourn
Refreshments are always of the best
Impressing members and each guest
We socialize and chat away
Glad to make new friends this day.
We hope you’ll join us at our meetings
Be sure we’ll give you warmest greetings
Iris L Sokol