Doylestown Nature Club Donates Painting to Doylestown Historical Society
Frank N. Gallagher; Lucy Siegfried, President of Doylestown Nature Club; Stu Abramson, President of Doylestown Historical Society
Photo courtesy of Fletcher Wall
In the 1960’s, the very productive Community Activities Council of Doylestown raised money for town improvements. In conjunction with the Doylestown Nature Club and other community organizations, many town projects were undertaken. By 2007, the only
surviving member of the group, Frank N. Gallagher, decided it was time to contribute the remaining balance of the treasury to an organization that had similar goals. He chose the Doylestown Historical Society. In appreciation, the President of the DHS, Judge Ed Ludwig, presented Frank with an Alan Fetterman painting of the old stone 1775 farmhouse on Henry Mercer’s Fonthill property. That farmhouse was renovated by Mercer for the Nature Club’s use in 1917. The Gallaghers have enjoyed the painting in their home since 2007. During his life Henry Mercer and the Doylestown Nature Club had a very close association so the Gallaghers decided to give the painting to the organization. Since the Nature Club has nopermanent place in which to display the painting, it was decided to give the painting to the Doylestown Historical Society. The painting will hang in the DHS galleries at 56 South Main Street for all to enjoy.